Off the Hook: Mini Rarefolk Amigurumification Part V


Last but not least to be amigurumified was Leslie, the violin player! =D


Amigurumi girl doll


I wanted Mini Leslie to have more delicate features and wanted her to show off Human Leslie’s femininity and elegance! 

I thought Leslie’s red dress with the tutu was really fun and colorful, making her stand out from the boys, I knew I had to make it! =D

To make her hair I mixed several techniques for making wigs and doll hair and I really really like the result!!! Maybe I’ll make a tutorial one day… say yes if you agree! =D


Crochet violin


The violin was challenging to make, it’s all so tiny! But in the end I really like it! =)


Mini doll sandals


For her sandals I had to go a different direction, they were too tiny and delicate to crochet! I think they came out really cute! ^^


Amigurumi band


Of course, before they left they threw a special concert live from BuddyRumi’s living room! =D 


Crochet band


But after they saw the Queen of the Castle House they had to throw yet another spectacular concert!!! =D


Kitty house crochet band


With a very special whiskered star! Rock on Leeloo!!! =D


Leslie Ann Jordan, Rarefolk


Human Leslie in concert!

Leslie was the last of the Rarefolk members to be amigurumified! This was a very challenging project but fun at the same time! I came up with new ways of doing things and improving on old techniques and that’s what makes making things from scratch so fun and addicting! That, seeing our projects come to life and, of course, seeing people react to our creations! =D

Thank you to Sardinha de Papel for the opportunity to make this wonderful project! =D 


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