A new adventure to share

Hi all! I’m Ana, I live in sunny Portugal! I welcome you all to BuddyRumi!

I had always enjoyed crafting as a break from day to day life in form of painting, drawing, cross-stitch and more recently scrapbook. But crafting took over my life when I discovered amigurumi, it was love at first sight.

Amigurumi comes from Japan and is a combination of the word Ami (knit) and nuigurumi (stuffed creature), and so amigurumi means knitted or crocheted stuffed creature.

It was about three years ago that I discovered amigurumi and since then my vision has been to turn my passion into my full-time job.

I am self-taught in crochet and never get tired of perfecting and finding new techniques to incorporate into my creations.

I created this blog first of all to share my passion for amigurumi! And because I know how much time it took me to search all over the web for clear information, reading forums, watching videos and wasting a lot of time… I want to bring all the relevant information into one place, make it concrete and clear so you don’t have to waste your time and can jump right in into the happy creative state! =D

This is going to be a friendly and happy place where we can share inspiration and love!

Comments and feedback are welcome!!! Please don’t be shy and comment on the posts or contact me through the contact page or through buddyrumi@gmail.com

See you soon!

Be happy and create!

Ana Rosa

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