Announcement: Amigurumify!

Amigurumify challenge

Amigurumify challenge

Remember me talking about a big announcement I wanted to make? Here it is! =D

I had this idea that I think you’re going to enjoy too! What about we do a monthly event where we Amigurumify people, animals, objects … from our lives? According to the theme of the current month we would have to make an amigurumi version of something or someone. What do you think? I’m in!

 How to participate:

  • We have the first weeks of each month to make and submit the entry.
  • The last 5 days of that month will be to vote and announce the following Amigurumify theme.
  • Submit a photo of the amigurumi doll and of the subject of amigurumification ( =P ) on the BuddyRumi’s Facebook page or in the Amigurumify thread of the BuddyRumi’s Ravelry group. Posting the photo of the real version is not mandatory but of course it’s always better to see both!
  • The voting will take place through polling on Facebook and on the corresponding Amigurumify thread of the BuddyRumi’s group on Ravelry.
  • The winner will be featured in the “Amigurumify Hall of Fame” on Pinterest, on Facebook, on the BuddyRumi’s group on Ravelry and of course here on BuddyRumi!

It’s going to be loads of fun! I really hope you join us!

Go ahead and leave me comments telling what you think and what are your ideas to make Amigurumify awesomer!  =D

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