Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies. Cookies enable you to use shopping carts and to personalize your experience on my website, tell me which parts of my website people have visited, help me measure the effectiveness of ads and web searches, and give me insights into user behavior so I can improve my communication and products.

By agreeing to accept my use of cookies, you are giving me, and third parties I partner with, permission to place, store, and access some or all the cookies described below on your computer.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are necessary for proper functioning of the website, such as displaying content, logging in, validating your session, responding to your request for services, and other functions. Most web browsers can be set to disable the use of cookies. However, if you disable these cookies, you may not be able to access features on our website correctly or at all. 

Performance Cookies

 These cookies collect information about the use of the website, such as pages visited, traffic sources, users’ interests, content management, and other website measurements. These cookies may be used to help optimize my website and make it easier for you to navigate. These cookies don’t collect information that identifies you. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous.

Functionality Cookies

These cookies enable the website to remember choices you make while browsing such as language, user name, and other personal choices. They can also be used to deliver services, such as letting users make a blog post, listen to audio, or watch videos on the website.

Media Cookies

These cookies can be used to improve a website’s performance and provide special features and content. They can be placed by third parties who provide services to us or by our company.

Advertising or Targeting Cookies

These cookies are usually placed and used by advertising companies to develop a profile of your browsing interests and serve advertisements on other websites that are related to your interests. You will see less advertising if you disable these cookies.

Session Cookies

These cookies allow websites to link the actions of a user during a browser session. They may be used for a variety of purposes, such as remembering what a user has put in their shopping cart as they browse a website. Session cookies also permit users to be recognized as they navigate a website so that any item or page changes they make are remembered from page to page. Session cookies expire after a browser session; thus, they are not stored long term.

Persistent Cookies

These cookies are stored on a user’s device in between browser sessions, which allows the user’s preferences or actions across a site (or, in some cases, across different sites) to be remembered. Persistent cookies may be used for a variety of purposes, including remembering users’ choices and preferences when using a website or to target advertising to them.

Web Beacons

We may also use a technology called web beacons to collect general information about your use of my website and your use of special promotions or newsletters. The information we collect by web beacons allows us to statistically monitor the number of people who open my emails. Web beacons also help me to understand the behaviour of customers, members, and visitors. 

Google Analytics Privacy Notice

This website uses Google Analytics to collect information about the use of the website. Google Analytics collects information from users such as age, gender, interests, demographics, how often they visit the website, what pages they visit, and what other websites they have used before coming to this website. I use the information I get from Google Analytics to analyze traffic, remarket my products and services to users, improve my marketing, advertising, and to improve my website. I have enabled Google Analytics advertising features such as remarketing with Google Analytics, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit our website, not your name or other identifying information. I do not combine the information collected using Google Analytics with PD. Although Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this website, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google. Google also uses specific identifiers to help collect information about the use of this website. For more information on how Google collects and processes your data, visit

You can prevent Google Analytics from using your information by opting out at this link:

We may also use cookies to…

  • Identify the areas that you have visited on this website
  • Personalize content that you see on this website
  • Gather website analytics
  • Remarket our products to you
  • Remember your preferences and settings
  • Target advertising and serving ads relevant to your interests
  • Allow you to post comments
  • Allow you to share content with social networks

Most web browsers can be set to disable the use of cookies. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to access features on our website correctly or at all.