In My Project Bag: Ants and Mini Me


Time to see what’s hiding among yarns and hooks in my project bag! ^^


Robber ant amigurumi


First up is this little guy that might be familiar to some of you! He is the amigurumification of Kasey Golden’s Robber Ant! =D

Kasey is an amazing illustrator and one of my favorites on YouTube! I love her style and all her illustrations but my favorites are definitely the ants illustrations!


Mini Me amigurumi


And now is time to update you on the progress of Mini Me 2.0. As you can see the lower part of the body is done! She’s growing slowly but growing! ^^

Can’t wait to have the body done so I can chose her clothes! ^^

This time my crochet project bag isn’t too full but it has two exiting projects that I’m loving working on!


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