In my Project Bag

Hello everyone! Hope you had a good weekend full of good fall/Halloween treats! =)

Welcome to one more peek into my project bag to see what I’m up to. This week I’m working on Christmas projects since I want them to be available to you as soon as possible so that you can start organizing your holiday gift lists. 

You can’t tell much from the image yet,  but these loose pieces will turn into a really cute Christmas Elf Mouse Girl.

Christmas Elf.jpg

Can you tell I adore mice? =)

I’m still working on the Periodic Table Blanket. I only got to finish this green rectangle and another blue one. And of course put it all together. I can’t wait to see it all together!

Periodic Table 2.jpg

Finally, I’m working on a super secret project that I can’t post pictures of, because I know that the person that I’m going to give it to reads this blog (yes, I’m talking about you mom 😉 ). Well it’s not all that super secret, my mom asked me to make her a case to put her knitting needles in, but I still wasn’t able to complete it with all the other projects going on. But now its almost over! Just needs some final touches =)

I will post photos after my mom sees it in person. Don’t want to ruin the surprise for her =)

This is what’s going on at the moment. I still have more ideas in mind but I wasn’t able to start on them, maybe next week we’ll have a peek at those!

Soon I’ll have more updates on other ideas for the blog, hope you like them and that you will give me your thoughts on those.

Happy Monday!

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